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Ultimate Guide To Select The Best Kitchen Worktops


The kitchen is one of the most crucial segments of living spaces. People always gets confused while choosing the best kitchen worktops. Choosing the right one not only adds up to the beauty of the place but also perks up the mood. While going through the labyrinth of options, we often come across the dilemma of choosing the right material for our kitchen countertops.

Which material is right for your home? What is the right way of choosing the best kitchen worktops? Or How do we choose a suitable worktop at once?

The answer to all these queries is highly subjective. Each home has its vibe, which suits the mood and necessity of the owner.

Best kitchen worktops - Interbuild Acacia FJ Straight edge wood Kitchen Worktops, 711x711x26mm, Dusk Grey
Image from Amazon

Based on your preferences, you can choose easily from the array of options ranging between the conventional natural stones or synthesized slabs available easily at kitchen worktops. No matter what you choose, the prime criteria for selecting the right worktop remains the same.

In this article, we will list some parameters needed in all-purpose best kitchen worktops:

6 Ultimate Guide To Select The Best Kitchen Worktops

1. Appearance And Longevity

The material used in making these worktops play a significant role in determining the appearance and life of the countertops. Choosing a material for its elegant appearance as well as durability is not only judicious but also saves time and effort. Generally, materials like Quartz, Granite, Marble and Ceramic are the top choices of buyers seeking a long-running worktop for their kitchens.

Best kitchen worktops - INTERBUILD Karri worktop Hybrid 2000x800x26mm
Image from Amazon

2. Scale Of Hardness

The higher the scale of hardness, the longer will your worktops last. If you are looking for a lifelong investment with minimal changes in the future, choose a rock-hard and resilient material such as Granite or Quartz. And, if your heart goes out to all the changing trends and you wish to keep up with them, easily replaceable materials such as Ceramic, Laminates, Wood and Glass Work suit your needs.

3. Hygiene Standards

Make sure that the worktop you select from best kitchen worktops in London is non-reactive to the kitchen ingredients and stays neutral throughout. A reactive material can be both fatal to your home and health. Natural stones like Granite or Marble are known to possess antibacterial properties. Go through all such organic options and keep your space both healthy and functioning.


4. Finishing

Kitchen worktops require the smoothest of finishing to dissuade complications such as dirt accumulations or staining. We all know that kitchen spaces are full of reactive and corrosive materials capable of fading the charms of your countertops. Hence, ensure the best non-porous material with the minimal sealing requirement. You can also go for extra polishing after the installation for a glossy and beautiful finishing.

5. Maintenance

Some of the premium materials require extra care and handling, which may clash with the busy lifestyle of yours. If you lack a fair amount of time to invest in the care-regimen of such materials, opt for the one needing less care and attention. Materials like Stainless Steel, Silestone, Marble are not only elegant on hands but also have the low-maintenance property. All you need is a general cleaning soap or liquid, and the work is done.

Best kitchen worktops. -INTERBUILD Acacia kitchen worktop panel,1800x620x26mm Acacia Golden Teak
Image from Amazon

6. Cost And Value For Money

The money you put in these worktops is a form of an investment adding value to the overall cost of your home. Always invest in the materials which could genuinely add value to your house without hampering your financial health instead of going after a flashy option.


All these factors play a significant role in determining the look and feel of your kitchen space. Please make a note of each of them carefully and select materials that are going handy with the majorities of these properties. Your choice alone can ensure a healthy living and cooking experience. Consider opting for a complimentary flooring to match your kitchen’s aesthetics and functionality without breaking the bank.
